Unit 1 – Cultural Issues and Values

Unit 2 – The Gifts of Youth

Unit 3 – Advances in Science and Technology

Unit 4 – Women and Power

Unit 5 – Brain Drain

Unit 6 – Humour

Unit 7 – Citizenship

Unit 8 – International Organizations

unit 9 -Formal, Informal and Non-formal Education

unit 10 – Sustainable Development

Lessons and Exercises

Active Passive Verb Forms

Adjective pronouns Noun Reported Speech Adverbs

All you need for grammar bac

Anglais Grammar

English tenses

Examples and Exercise of past perfect

Frequently used Phrasal Verbs

Linking Words


No change family

Phrasal verbs

Relative Clauses

Reported Speech

The 3rd Conditional

The English Irregular Verb List

Uses of capital letters and punctuation


8 Topic Writings for national exam english
17 writings
34 writtings and How to write a good subject
37 Writings for national exam english
all you need to Know about writings 1
all you need to Know about writings 2

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